Layout and booth building guidelines for a Renaissance Faire, and other outdoor themed events.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
If your Faire is lucky enough to be set amongst trees, and if you have the good fortune of having trees adjacent to your booth or stage location, then you can consider the clouds have parted and heavenly light is shining upon you. Nature is the ultimate backdrop to a successful Faire environment and will only enhance the appearance of your event. Apart from adding shade, trees, both large and small can add charm and authenticity to the mood you are trying to create, and should be taken full advantage of in your Faire designs. The most important thing to remember is that you do no harm in your partnership with the trees that make up your event or booth. This is a relationship you hope to continue to cultivate over time. Nailing into, cutting away from, or otherwise abusing the trees in and around your event will assure they are not there the following years. In the case of the Renaissance Pleasure Faire sites in the 1960’s thru 1980’s, all the trees on their property were protected Oaks and very clever ways were devised to allow coexistence between booths and trees. Despite the extra effort, it is arguable that these oaks were as much a character in the atmosphere of the Faire as the Queen’s procession and the daily jousts. Take care of your trees and police how your participants use them, and you will be assured a beautiful Faire for years to come.
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