This example suggests that the shop building is actually behind the booth. The structure is half the size of an all timber booth and creates a sort of stall window effect. In this case the booth is purely to act as shelter for the craftspeople, shading them with an extended patchwork awning. The counter is also timber and could include a leather-covered surface. A shield shaped tavern sign finishes off the design with graphics that could suggest the crafting guild or products being sold at this particular shop.
Layout and booth building guidelines for a Renaissance Faire, and other outdoor themed events.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
As discussed before, thatching is a very effective roof material, but a challenge to get right. In this example the walls are very sturdy looking and include a fake brick base. If done well, this design could look as close as possible to a real permanent Elizabethan building. Curved supports are added for detail and curved brackets help brace the roof in each of the corners of the counter window. This is a very nice look that will be the envy of your fellow participants.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Not identical on both sides of a central line; unsymmetrical; lacking symmetry
All of the examples so far have been very symmetrical, mainly to show various material options. Asymmetry will always make your booth appear unique and stand out. In this example a square booth is made more interesting by extending the roof to create an addition and surrounding it with a railing. This booth also elevates the floor and is especially good if you need to elevate your customer’s feet, for trying on boots for example, or giving them a surface to lay on for a massage.
Friday, July 13, 2012
For some, extra security is a must. One method is to start with a very sturdy, lock-able structure and clad the exterior with period details. This is also good if you are able to keep this structure on-site when the Faire is not running. The base box is weatherproof; include a watertight roof membrane, pad lock door, and interior locking shutters. In the second image you see this same box with its themeing applied to it. These can remain year round, or be stored inside between Faires. A peak is added to the flat room and boards are placed around the base to hide the concrete supports. The old Northern California site frequently flooded during the winter months, so concrete piling were a must, but your site might not need such details. Also check with regional building codes to make sure you are not violating any rules, or making sure it is understood that your structure is a non-permanent shed. Each area will be different so it pays to double check.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
If you are lucky enough to be able to leave a booth up during the off-season, or can cart in heavier lumber, this sturdy box construction suggest a rustic quality without attempting to fake the look of timber or wattle and daub. Tall center poles act as a support for a very large banner, which acts as an embroidered graphic or shop sign.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
For some vendors, the ability to lock down an entire booth is a necessity. One method is to create strong wooden awnings that swing down after hours to secure the structure. This example also suggests that elements like display cases could be pulled into the center of the booth as well. This design works especially well when created a Gypsy Cart style booth, which we will talk more about in the section on creating Carts.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
This booth design suggests a more permanent structure and yet could still easily be delivered and erected on the site without too much trouble. The railings, counter, and back wall follow the rules established in the previous section on creating faux timbers, and include a wattle and daub textured paint applied to the plywood panels. The roof is wood shingles applied to a base sheet of plywood. This design also suggests that a tavern style sign could be used to help promote your wares and draw attention to your booth. Using a hollow post, and slipping it over a “t-bar” fence pole hammered into the ground can create this effect.